In our generalist Bachelor's degrees there are ample opportunities to further your understanding of condensed matter physics. Modules offered include Structure and Properties of Functional Materials (second year) and Solid State Physics (third year). You will be able to study a range of complementary modules, covering important, related topics such as quantum mechanics and statistical physics. You may also be able to undertake research projects with the staff of the CCMMP. For more information, please see the general information about Bachelor's degrees in Physics and index of available modules. For information about projects, please see the project list for the relevant module or contact the academic working in your field of interest directly.

At Master's level we presently offer the two-year EuroMasters degree. We are currently developing a one-year MSc in Physics with the option to follow a Condensed Matter strand.  For more information please see the Master's admission pages or index of Master's-level modules.